Grounding Meditation
Ujjayi Pranayama (4-6 Ratio)
Silent Sitting
Kumbhaka Explained and Backbending Adjustments and how-to
Ayurveda in daily life
Breathing & Theory and Practice of Inversions
Discussion: Gunas, TT Exams, TT300 and continuation options, Yoga Alliance
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali
Reading yogic literature
Ako ne stizete do shale, vjezbajte s nama ovdje
Note: Theses Pranayama Resources are not guided practices. They serve to show the key points of each technique or concept.
Supporting Techniques / Kriyas / Mudras
Uddiyana Kriya / Nauli
Agni Sara
Brahma Mudra
Jihva Bandha
Simha Mudra
Pranayama Techniques
Basic Pranayama Techniques
Blueprint of the Breath during Pranayama
Nadi Shodana
Dosha Balancing Pranayama Techniques
Surya Bedhena / Chandra Bhedena
Shitali / Sitkari
Advanced Pranayama Techniques
Bhastrika (advanced Technique - only do when prescribed by teacher)
If you have any questions, always feel free to ask us in person in the shala or write us at
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